
-07/26/2024 -Science, food, and the end to a great summer. The Belote lab celebrates with family and friends at our grand opening!
-07/24/2024 -Henry presents his summer reasearch at the OSU CCC CREATES program Research Symposium! 
-07/20/2024 -The team enjoying snacks, drinks, and games after a summer of hard work. 
-06/18/2024 -The Belote lab celebrates the new addition of our summer lab members with an ice cream social! 
-06/14/2024 -Yiling Hu, a second year student from Kenyon College, joins the lab as a summer undergraduate researcher. 
-06/03/2024 -Abi Singstock, a third year bioinformatics student, joins the lab as an undergraduate researcher. 
-05/20/2024 -Henry Kochensparger, a third year biochemistry student, joins the lab as a summer undergraduate researcher as part of the OSU CCC CREATES program
-05/10/2024 -The Belote lab celebrates one month of being in a newly renovated lab space. 

-03/25/2024 -Kirti Chopra, a second year molecular genetics student, joins the lab as an undergraduate researcher. 
-02/24/2024 -Ayushi Das, an MCDB first year graduate student completes her rotation. 
-02/12/2024 -Ravleen Ingle joins the lab as a research technician and lab manager.  

-02/20/2024- Lab renovations have begun!

-02/09/2024 - First wet lab experiments are underway!  Aleena (left) and Ayushi (right) are hard at work processing mouse tail skin.
-01/12/2024- Aleena Arif, a second year student in Biology, joins the lab as an undergraduate researcher. 
-12/01/2023- Rebecca Zitney joins the lab as a postdoctoral scholar. She will be working on label free imaging of melanocyte and melanoma cell phenotypes.
-11/01/2023 -The Belote Lab of Cellular Heterogeneity Across Biological Scales joins the Department of Molecular Genetics at The Ohio State Univeristy!